- W sezonie wysokim rezerwujemy tylko turnusy 7 lub 14 - dniowe.
- Doba zaczyna się od obiadu godz. 13:30, kończy śniadaniem godz. 9:00. Pokój należy opuścić do godziny 10.00.
- 2-bedded room for single use: 100% of the price + 50% of the price
- Każda modyfikacja diety ( zmiana podstawowego jadłospisu ) koszt 20zł. dziennie
Pricelist and reservations
Price list for 14-day stays
High season
from 27.04.2019r.
to 16.11.2019r
Low season
from 16.01.19r.
to 11.01.20r.
Single room
2,450zł / per person
2,170 zł / per person
Double room
1,890 zł / per person
1,680 zł / per person
Triple / quadruple room
1,680 zł / per person
1,540 zł / per person
2,450 zł / per person
2,170 zł / per person
Price list for 7-day stays
High season
from 27.04.2019r.
to 16.11.2019r
Low season
from 16.01.19r.
to 11.01.20r.
Single room
1,260zł / per person
1,190 zł / per person
Double room
980 zł / per person
910 zł / per person
Triple / quadruple room
875 zł / per person
840 zł / per person
1,260 zł / per person
1,190 zł / per person
Information for guests
- We also invite you to a unique Excursions Christmas (Christmas, Easter) with traditional Polish cuisine in a family atmosphere heartily.
- Stays are reserved from Saturday to Saturday, for 7 or 14 days.
- Przedłużając pobyt do obiadu / kolacji dopłata połowę doby.
Booking - information
Terms of reservation
The term of reservation is to advance 400 PLN to:
Leszek Szewczyk
Brzezinki 83
26-001 Masłów
Santander Bank Polska S.A. 43 1910 1048 2304 0003 0909 0001
Foreign transfers Swift: DEUTPLPX
Accommodation time
Please provide the date of the stay when paying the advance.
Accommodation from 12:00 on the first day. Lunch at 13:00. End of the stay until 10:00 am on the last day (after breakfast at 09:00).
Booking conditions:
To make a reservation, call one of the contact numbers: 41 311 10 69 or 532 377 832 or write to rezerwacja@margaretka-swietokrzyska.pl.
We accept credit cards Visa, Euro, Mastercard.
Returns and complaints
In case of cancellation of staying the return of the advance may be in terms of:
- 30 days before the stay - 100% of the amount paid;
- 14 days before the start of the stay - 50% of the amount paid;
- Less than 14 days - no possibility of refund;
- In the case of early departure from the Pension we do not return the holidays fee.